Swedish Torch – Light up a Cold Night

For those who enjoy spending time in the great outdoors, the Swedish torch is a valuable tool to have in your bushcraft kit. This traditional fire pit, also known as the Canadian candle or Finnish torch, is a simple and efficient way to start a fire in the wilderness. Here’s why you should learn about this fire starting method.

Different names:

  • Swedish candle
  • Canadian candle
  • Finnish torch
  • Swedish fire
  • Siberian tree torch
  • Russian tree torch

Why is Swedish torch so important

Ease of Use: Making a Swedish torch is a straightforward process that can be done with minimal equipment. All you need is a log of wood, a saw, an axe, and maybe an auger bit and a steel wire. The design of the Swedish torch makes it easy to add more wood as needed, which allows the fire to burn for longer periods.

Cooking ability: Because it will provide you with flat leveled surface you will be able to put a pan or a pot on it and fry or cook a meal or a drink without having a whole system set up where you would have a pot hanging above a fire pit.

Effectiveness: Since the wood will be burning from the side it will be more efficient and make your wood pile last a lot longer.

How to make a Swidish torch

It is actually quite simple and there are two main methods. Both require a saw to cut wood to the appropriate length but One requires an axe and a steel wire and the other one requires a auger to drill a hole in a log.

First Method

How to make swedish torch

Second Method

How to make Canadian candle


  1. Emergency heating: In a survival situation, a Swedish torch can provide much-needed heat and light.
  2. Cooking: The intense heat of a Swedish torch can be used for cooking, making it a valuable tool for outdoor meal preparation.
  3. Outdoor lighting: The bright flame of a Swedish torch can be used to provide light in the wilderness, especially during overnight camping trips.
  4. Wildlife deterrent: The heat and the bright flame of a Swedish torch can keep dangerous wildlife at bay.

In conclusion, the Canadian candle is a versatile and practical fire-starting tool that every bushcraft enthusiast should have in their kit. Its ease of use, safety, and multiple applications make it a valuable tool for anyone who spends time in the wilderness. So why not give it a try on your next outdoor adventure?

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