Sleeping bag – Does it really make you warmer?

A good night’s sleep is crucial for a successful outdoor adventure, and a bushcraft sleeping bag is an essential piece of gear to help ensure that you get that much-needed rest. With so many options on the market, choosing the right bushcraft sleeping bag can seem overwhelming, but with this guide, you’ll have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

How do they work?

They work by trapping the heat that is emitted from your body within the filling material, so it doesn’t worm you but you warm it! Also, another way uses reflective material that reflects heat back toward your body as we see in survival blankets but that is quite rare.

How to choose a sleeping bag

Choosing a sleeping bag can be overwhelming especially because there are so many to choose from. Having a good one can improve your sleep quality which in turn will improve your mood and help you do things more effectively. There are many different factors to consider when choosing the best sleeping bag for you but here are the ones that are considered as more important.

  1. Insulation: The first thing to consider when choosing a bushcraft sleeping bag is the level of insulation it provides. You’ll want to select a bag that is rated for the lowest temperature you expect to encounter. It’s important to remember that the insulation rating is a general guideline, and that your own comfort level may differ, so make sure to choose a bag that will keep you warm in the conditions you’ll be facing.
  2. Filling material: It is important to choose the right filling material. The main two categories are natural and synthetic. Amongst the best natural materials in down. Made from goose or duck plumage. It is warmer and insulates better than synthetic materials but loses that ability when it gets wet, so if you camp in a dry area down is a better choice and synthetic would be better in wet high humidity areas. Also, you should know if you are allergic to down before buying a sleeping bag filled with it.
  3. Weight and Packability: Another important factor to consider is the weight and packability of the sleeping bag. If you’ll be carrying your bag on your back, you’ll want to choose a lightweight option that is easy to pack. If you like to travel heavy or you plan on using a vehicle to transport your gear, you may be able to afford a heavier option.
  4. Material: The material of the sleeping bag is also an important consideration. Look for bags made from durable materials like heavy-duty nylon or canvas, which will stand up to the rigors of outdoor use. It’s also important to choose a material that is breathable, so you don’t wake up feeling damp and uncomfortable.
  5. Size: Make sure to choose a sleeping bag that is the right size for you. Bags that are too big will not retain heat as effectively, while bags that are too small will not allow for proper insulation. Make sure to choose a bag that is roomy enough for you to move around in, but not so big that it’s difficult to heat.
  6. Price: Price is always a consideration when making any purchase, and bushcraft sleeping bags are no exception. It’s important to remember that you get what you pay for, so be prepared to spend a little extra for a high-quality, durable bag.

Sleeping bag rating

Now, this is a complex and confusing story because although there are a few standards that are used to rate a sleeping bag like EN (European Norm) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and they can be quite confusing, so I will write another post about it and link it here.

Where to get a sleeping bag

There are many sleeping bags on the market today and choosing the right one can be quite difficult also getting the best one for all of your needs on the first try is near impossible so that is why you can see a lot of people having multiple sleeping bags for different seasons or simply their taste changed over the years of having the same sleeping experience so they want to change it up a big. Either way, the ones that I am going to recommend are considered some of the best at a given price point.

The Best Bang For a Buck

Sleeping Bag

Eolus Ultralight Sleeping Bag

Best Higher Quality Sleeping Bag

Western Mountaineering AlpinLite

Best Sleeping Bag For Really Cold Weather

Western Mountaineering Puma

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Also, it is important to note that your sleeping pad is as important as your sleeping pad so you need to take into consideration that you need to buy both of them. Having a good sleeping pad will drastically improve even a lower-quality sleeping bag but having a good sleeping bag with no sleeping pad is a disaster waiting to happen. The insulation won’t be as effective, the bag could tare on the ground, get wet from moisture, etc.


In conclusion, the sleeping bag is an essential piece of equipment that can make or break your bushcraft or camping trip. Having a good-quality one will improve your sleep, energize you, and protect you from the elements. There is nothing wrong with starting with a lower-quality one and then improving over time, that is how you can build your kit over time and see what suits you. Cheers!


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