How I Realized That Stockpiling Food is SUPER Important

Hi, today I will tell you a few reasons why stockpiling food for an emergency is one of the most important things that you can do to help protect yourself and your loved ones.

Things we take for granted these days like getting food from the grocery store and water from the faucet could be the reason why you probably haven’t even thought twice about what would happen if all of a sudden there was an emergency event that made getting those supplies a lot harder. What would be the best course of action to prepare for that and what are some of the main emergency events that could happen suddenly and escalate quickly?

Main reasons why you should be prepared

– Always have a plan B

You must have noticed in your everyday life that having a backup plan that you can fall onto if something goes wrong gives you a piece of mind, and more confidence in yourself and sometimes could literally save your life. For example, having a backup tire if you puncture your main one on the road. Also, I can’t name how many times having an extra 100$ in my pocket saved me from the embarrassment of not having enough to pay for a bill… These are just a few examples but you get the importance of always having a plan b.

– Natural disasters –

Natural disasters are sudden and hard-hitting enemies. They can range from a mild inconvenience to having a devastating effect on a place where they happen. They usually come with a power outage and that means fridges won’t be working if it is bad enough groceries will be closed, especially if there was an earthquake and buildings were destroyed. If there was a flood, roads could be blocked making you unable to go and get food and water.

– Losing a job –

This one comes as a no-brainer. If you lose your job, you don’t have money to buy food. So having enough stockpiled food will give you enough time to find another job to feed yourself and your family.

– War –

War is a terrible thing that can happen, and we see time and time again that people who happen to be between two sides starve because it is difficult to get to them and supply them with necessities. So having an emergency supply of food and water will help you to minimize the risk of starving and getting shoot by the enemies.

– Pandemic –

This is best seen in this last covid pandemic where access to groceries was restricted and production of food has been lowered. You could see people fighting for food in the stores and even though it quickly went back to normal just imagine how it would be if it went on for a longer time and the mortality rate was higher. Soon enough there wouldn’t be any people left producing food and groceries would be closed. Then you would be happy if you had stashed enough supplies of food and water before things stabilize or you can start producing your own food.

Where to get food and water

Your best bet is to buy frozen and dried emergency rations from companies like Legacy food storage. They have a shelf life of up to 25 years and offer a wide range of different meals all packaged and sealed individually. They also offer smaller samples and bulk orders so no matter what your budget is they got you covered. As for water, they offer water storage tanks and a water filtration system so they got you covered in that field as well.

Their Best Selling Offers

120 Servings -
45 720 cal

Around 20 days for one person on 2000cal per day

240 Servings -
97 280 cal

Around 48 days for one person on 2000cal per day

360 Servings -
143 880 cal

Around 72 days for one person on 2000cal per day

720 Servings -
287 700 cal

Around 143 days for one person on 2000cal per day

Their bucket with everything they offer

183 Servings -
40 720 cal

Everything that they offer to try out


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