Bushcraft saw – Cut Through Challenges of Nature

Bushcraft is all about survival and self-sufficiency in the great outdoors. From camping and hiking to hunting and fishing, it’s a lifestyle that requires a range of skills and tools to be successful. One of the most important tools in any bushcraft kit is the saw. The bushcraft saw is designed to make your life easier in the wild and help you accomplish tasks that would be nearly impossible without it.

Some of the uses for bushcraft saw

The uses for this tool are many but here are some of the most common ways that you can use a bushcraft saw for:

  1. Cutting Firewood: One of the most common uses of a bushcraft saw is to cut firewood. The saw can easily cut through branches, logs, and small trees, making it an essential tool for preparing firewood.
  2. Building Shelters: This tool is also unreplaceable when it comes to cutting branches, poles, and other materials for building shelters and other outdoor structures. Whether you’re creating a simple lean-to or a more elaborate shelter, all of them require wood to be cut to the desired length, and saw is the best tool for that job.
  3. Clearing Paths: If you’re hiking or camping in a dense forest, a bushcraft saw can be used to clear a path and make your journey easier. This saw is capable of cutting through thick brush, making it a great choice for those who enjoy backcountry adventures.
  4. Preparing Wood for Cooking: Whether you’re roasting marshmallows or cooking a full meal over an open fire, a bushcraft saw can be used to prepare firewood for cooking.
  5. Pruning Trees: If you’re an avid gardener or just enjoy maintaining your backyard, a bushcraft saw can be used for pruning trees. This saw is capable of cutting through thick branches, making it an ideal tool for those who want to keep their trees healthy and looking great.

Types of saws

  1. Hand Saw: Hand saws are the most traditional type of saw and are often the first type of saw that comes to mind when thinking about saws. Hand saws are simple and versatile, making them ideal for a variety of tasks. Depending on heat treatment they can be either sharpened with a triangular file or a diamond file in case of case-hardened teeth. Because of their profile, they usually make straighter cuts and that is why you will sell this type of saw mostly used in carpentry. The best ones are usually bought vintage because they have better steel that is less prone to bending and can be sharpened using the triangular file.
  2. Bow Saw: Bow saws are larger saws that are designed for cutting through thicker branches and logs. They are similar to hand saws, but they feature a bow-shaped frame that can usually be folded and easily transported and a replaceable blade so having a few spare ones is always a plus. Bow saws are available in various blade lengths, making them ideal for a variety of tasks, including clearing fallen trees, building shelters, and collecting firewood.
  3. Folding Saw: Folding saws are compact and portable saws that are ideal for outdoor enthusiasts and campers. These saws are capable of folding up into a compact size, making them easy to carry in your bushcraft backpack. But because of their folding mechanism, they are usually structurally weaker than hand saws or bow saws, however, some manufacturers make pretty high-quality ones that you may want to look out for.
  4. Pocket Chainsaw: This is the relatively new concept of having a chainsaw chain with handles on either side that can be used for sawing through logs or even felling down trees. When it comes to this type of saw it is better to buy a higher-quality one because only then you will ensure that it is gonna last. But its main pro is that it is by far the most portable one and you can even have it as a backup to your main one.

Selecting the best saw

When selecting a bushcraft saw, it’s important to consider several factors to ensure you get the best saw for your needs. These factors include:

  1. Blade Material: Look for a saw that is made from high-quality, durable materials such as stainless steel or high-carbon steel. This will ensure that your saw is capable of cutting through thick branches and logs without breaking.
  2. Handle Material: The handle of your saw should be made from a comfortable and durable material, such as rubber or wood. This will ensure that you can use your saw for extended periods without experiencing discomfort or fatigue.
  3. Blade Length: The length of the saw blade is another important factor to consider. Look for a saw that has a blade length that is suitable for your needs, whether it’s a shorter blade for precision cuts or a longer blade for more aggressive cuts.
  4. Weight: Look for a saw that is lightweight and easy to handle, especially if you plan to use the saw for extended periods.
  5. Portability: If you plan to use the saw in the wilderness, it’s important to choose one that is compact and easy to carry. Look for a saw that can be folded or disassembled for compact storage in a backpack or pack.

What is the best bushcraft saw?

It is pretty hard to say which one is the best bushcraft saw and it ultimately comes down to what is your preference and what are some of the uses for your future saw.

So here are a few examples of high-quality saws and some budget options:



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In conclusion, a bushcraft saw is a critical tool for outdoor survival and self-sufficiency. From cutting firewood to clearing paths, a saw can make life easier and more manageable in the wilderness. There are several types of saws to choose from including hand saws, bow saws, folding saws, and pocket chainsaws. When selecting a bushcraft saw, it is important to consider the blade material, handle material, blade length, weight, and portability to ensure you get the best saw for your needs. Ultimately, the best bushcraft saw is subjective and will depend on individual preferences and intended uses.

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